I really am! I promise. It's just there are also 3,4, sometimes 5 children, a dog, a husband and a sink full of dishes that are also HERE. My point? I'll get back to it when I can. Or more honestly, when I have the time and sanity to read, think, and then actually sit down to write a decent review that I consider blog worthy. I have been reading some great books. Just not as fast or as focused as I was before they bay bay # 3 arrived. Here is a quick list of some of the books I've read and enjoyed. They aren't in any specific order of when I read them or how much I enjoyed them. Just random... like most of my life :)
1.The Spanish Queen by Carolly Erickson
2. Never Knowing by Chevy Stevens
3.The Madman's Daughter by Megan Shepherd
4.The King's Daughter by Sandra Worth
5.Darkness Peering by Alice Blanchard
p.s. These links will all take you to GOODREADS My favorite freebie, go to, get some book recommendations, quotes, fellow book lovers, contests, etc.